Thursday, September 27, 2012


Welcome to Chronicles of the Midnight Rose!

This is my first blog, so please be kind. 

Here's a bit about me:
My name is Sarah.
I'm 18, and starting my first semester of college.
I'm a history major.
I'm an American, but very much an Anglophile! I love everything British.
I'm learning American Sign Language.
I am a Christian.

I am a bibliophage, an ardent reader. Basically, I love to read.
 Favorite book series:
The Harry Potter series
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Thorn In My Heart series, by Liz Curtis Higgs (Historical fiction)

Favorite television shows:
Doctor Who (new Who)
Star Trek (So far I've only seen Original Series and Next Generation episodes)
I like crime shows; I regularly watch Bones, and Body of Proof.

Fandoms I'm part of:
I'm a Potterhead (HP fan)
and a  Whovian (Doctor Who fan)

 I can't think of anything else to say. Ask me anything!

~Midnight Rose


  1. By "taken", I assume you mean single. To which I'll say that I'm not looking for a man right now. But I'd be happy to be friends.


Please keep comments PG. No swearing, or trashing.
*Readers are having trouble registering as users. If you know me personally, please sign your name at the end at the end of your comment! :)*